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FREE ENTRY • Ages 5-13
Top Two Finishers get awards | *Event is limited to 50 Groms*
Saturday August 10, 2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
22nd Street, Hermosa Beach
Registration opens July 26th @ 12PM!
This event will sell out in minutes so be ready to go!
The Grom-O-Rama is designed to introduce children, ages 5 to 13, to the joys of a day at the beach both in the water and on the sand. The event is held every year in mid-August at 22nd Street in Hermosa Beach. The boys and girls compete in six events which include an obstacle course, paddling, swimming, Beach and Water Flags, and Nation Ball. All children can participate safely in all events with the assistance of our volunteers!!! Team and individual points are tallied at the end of the day to see who is crowned King and Queen of the beach, what team won 1st place overall, and finally, one child is awarded “Most Inspirational”. Trophies are awarded to the top placing athletes who also receive special swag bags. Everyone goes home with loaded gift bags from our generous sponsors. Grom-O-Rama T-shirts are given to all participating children, including their parents. Pizza lunch is also included during the awards ceremony! The South Bay Boardriders Club is a volunteer-based club which always needs volunteers. The Grom-O-Rama is no different!! If you’d either like to volunteer or sponsor this event or any other South Bay Boardriders Club event, please let us know! Better yet, join the club at